About us - StudBud

About StudBud

We help student-athletes find sports and academic scholarships in the United States. Our team of former student-athletes understand the crucial part of supervision during the process of securing a scholarship at the top US universities.

Helping athletes secure scholarships in top divisions

Our mission

A chance for everyone

No matter where in the World you come from, with internet access, our platform enables you to create a free profile and expose your skills and talents to college coaches in the United States.

Start here

“At StudBud we believe that every kid, in any country in the World, should get an opportunity to introduce themselves to college coaches.”

Luka Cajic, Co-Founder
Trusted and valued by college coaches

Take advantage of our reputation and numerous connections with college coaches in all collegiate divisions and US states

30 Sports
35k Coaches
2,1k Universities

Sport + Education

For secure future success

We truly believe in unique American education system. Our goal is to help students continue to improve in their sports career while they work on earning an internationally recognized diploma.

Affordable education

Most of our students get their college education for free.

Competitive sports

College sports leagues are competitive and respected among pro scouts.

Sports + Education

The best way to continue improving in your sport, while secruing a college degree.

Modern infrastructure

American universities have infrastructure equivalent or better than many pro sports clubs.

College experience

4 years of college are the most memorable years in many peoples lives.

Growth opportunities

Opportunities to grow on personal, athletic and academic level with expert supervision.


Bring your English to the level of excellence after 4 or more years of study.


Make connections that will last for a lifetime and open many doors in the future.

Let us tell you why we would study in the USA again. Contact us

Our Team

Meet your future advisors

Our team is made up of former college students and athletes who achieved success in America, recorded historic results and gained numerous connections and reputation.

Luka Cajic Co-Founder

Hi, I’m Luka. I studied and played volleyball at Missouri Baptist University in America. During my career, I won numerous awards, both in sports and academics. I was selected to the All-American

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Mico Janicijevic Co-Founder

Hello, I’m Mico. I’m the co-founder of the StudBud. I was engaged in volleyball professionally from the age of 15, first at OK Metalac-Takovo, and then at OK Ribnica from Kraljevo. I

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Ana Cajic Director of Recruiting

Hi, I’m Ana. I was born in Sao Paulo, Brazil. I started my college career playing volleyball in 2015. After 4 years, I graduated from Missouri Baptist University in St. Louis after

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