StudBud+ Program - StudBud

StudBud+ 计划


Showcase your talents to college coaches! Create a free profile today or join StudBud+ for expert help in securing the best scholarships. Start your athletic journey now!

Athlete profile. Showcase your talents to college coaches actively looking for athletes.
Upload videos. Add unlimited highlights videos for college coaches to see and evaluate your skills.
Get verified. Upload your grades, get your profile verified in minutes and earn a blue badge.
To-do list. Access our tailor-made to-do list to improve your profile and get noticed by coaches.
Exposure. Get exposed to thousands of college coaches visiting our website every month.
Email lessons. Receive valuable recruiting lessons tailored to your needs, delivered directly to your inbox.
Success Guaranteed

Upgrade to StudBud+

Let our team of experts take over your recruiting process. We helped 200+ athletes from all over the world find the best possible teams and scholarships in the USA!

“I tried finding good schools and teams by myself and I had no results. I spoke to 20 different coaches from all over the US and I received 14 offers 2 weeks after we started working together. I am now in Texas, on a full soccer scholarship and I am finishing up my first year.”



“I really liked that they knew the answers to everything and solved everything immediately. Also, the professionalism of the company is a high level!”



“One of the aspects I appreciated the most was their personalized approach to matching me with the right educational and athletic opportunities.”


女子排球 | 塞尔维亚

“Mico and Luka and studbud team have delivered over 10 offers in less than a week. I signed a full ride scholarship with Lewis and Clarke junior college near Saint Louis. I am now in my second semester playing tennis in USA and I am very happy. Thanks again to the whole team...”



“Luka from StudBud was so helpful and he was always trying to figure everything out for me. He is easy to connect with and whenever I needed anything he responded fast. He is doing everything for you and you just need to be relax while you working with him...”



"StudBud helped me film my highlights video, create a professional StudBud profile and then promoted me to all college coaches. Within 3 days I had 10+ offers that I could choose from. They scheduled my introduction call with coaches and I had so much fun meeting them and seeing thieir campus and facilities.”








Maximize your scholarship opportunities by working with your advisor throughout the entire recruiting process.

1. 搜索引擎(联系大学教练)

We link you to US college sports coaches, showcasing your profile and arranging first meetings.

2. 获取报价

We ensure you secure verbal and official offers from coaches, clarify scholarship amounts, and guarantee no hidden fees.

3. 大学申请流程

We handle your university applications, submit all necessary documents, and ensure accuracy and timeliness.

4. 入学程序和签证申请

We secure admission documents, oversee interactions, manage visa applications, and verify documents.

Step 01 Search Engine

StudBud connects you with college sports coaches in the US, showcasing your profile, game highlights, stats, and key info.

Maximize your chances. We ensure every college coach in the U.S. sees your profile and video, maximizing your chances of receiving scholarship offers.

Find a perfect fit. We help you choose the best place based on your desired education, athletic abilities, and preferred geographical location.

Personalized approach. Our tailored program ensures you receive guidance unique to your needs, making your college selection process seamless and effective.

Step 02 Getting Offers

StudBud will assist you in negotiating your offers and provide a detailed breakdown, highlighting the pros and cons of each option. We'll help you make the best decision for your future.

Offers portal. All offers will appear in your StudBud portal as they come in. We'll also provide links to university websites, academic programs, and coach and roster information.

Message template. With one click, you can reach out to coaches and introduce yourself using a pre-made personalized message tailored to college coaches standards.

Step 03 Meeting Coaches

StudBud sets up your first meetings with interested coaches. We also prepare you for calls and interviews with college coaches and school officials.

Meet the coaching staff. You will get to meet the coaching staff, learn about their expectations, understand where they see you fitting in, and discover their training and playing strategies.

Learn about University. Coaches will showcase their campuses, facilities, recovery rooms, training gyms, and game arenas to help you envision where you'll be training and playing.

Step 04 On-demand courses

StudBud offers a comprehensive range of on-demand courses designed to help students excel in their English exams. These courses provide targeted preparation and practice to ensure you achieve the highest possible scores.

Access anytime. Our courses are pre-recorded and available anytime, allowing you to choose when and where to study at your convenience.

Step 05 University Admissions

StudBud handles your admissions process, ensuring all documents are clear and submitted on time. We help you avoid legal issues and missed deadlines, ensuring a smooth admission to your chosen university.

Documents Portal. Access a personalized to-do list and easily upload all your documents in one centralized location.

Secure file upload. Our secure upload system ensures your documents are only visible to you and your advisor.

Step 06 Visa Application

StudBud handles all the necessary documents for your visa appointment, assists with filling out the DS-160 form for the U.S. Embassy, and prepares you for your visa interview.

Visa Documents Portal. All necessary documents for your visa appointment will be uploaded to your portal. You can download and print them in order to take with you to the embassy.

Visa interview preparation. Having handled over 200 student visa cases, we know the questions you should prepare for. The day before your interview, you'll have a preparation call with your advisor.

Our clients

Athletes competing in college

Check out some of the athletes we've had the pleasure of working with. Feel free to find them on Instagram and ask about their experience with StudBud.

学校标志 卡特琳娜·帕帕
学校标志 奥格尼恩·博佐维奇
学校标志 索菲娅·普耶维奇
学校标志 萨拉·普耶维奇
Maria Alesia Stirbu
学校标志 Maria Alesia Stirbu
学校标志 康斯坦丁娜·洛伊齐德斯
学校标志 柯维西·克里斯托夫
学校标志 米亚特·米哈伊洛维奇
学校标志 皮埃特罗·索萨·波利多罗
学校标志 卢卡·斯特潘诺维奇
Savvas Christou
学校标志 Savvas Christou
学校标志 塞贝斯蒂安·马尔顿


问题。常见问题。还有我们的答案。这就是常见问题解答的工作原理。如果您找不到您要找的内容,您可以随时 给我们发电子邮件 您的询问。

我为什么要使用 StudBud? We are the world's top recruiting agency, having successfully placed over 200 elite athletes in the United States. Unlike our competitors, we offer many services for FREE and provide a personalized scholarship finding service through StudBud+.
StudBud 提供免费版本吗? Every athlete in the World has FREE access to our website, blog and profile creation tool. You can do almost everything for FREE on our website. If you want our team to help you secure a scholarship StudBud+ Program is all you need.
为什么我应该选择付费服务而不是免费服务? While our free tools are extensive, our paid service guarantees a higher level of success. You'll work one-on-one with an advisor throughout the entire process, from promoting you to college coaches and negotiating offers to handling admissions and visa paperwork. This personalized attention ensures you get the best possible outcomes.
When is the best time to start working with StudBud? The best time to start working with StudBud is at the beginning of your junior year in high school. Starting earlier can only work to your advantage, and we welcome students who begin in their senior year as well.
How fast can StudBud deliver me some scholarship offers? StudBud works quickly! Once your video and profile are prepared, you’ll start receiving scholarship offers immediately. Our efficient process ensures you won’t have to wait long to hear from interested coaches.
StudBud 能保证提供奖学金吗? 不!由大学教练决定将奖学金授予谁。但是,我们的团队经验和人脉帮助我们为几乎每一位合作的运动员争取到丰厚的奖学金。我们希望做到透明,所以如果我们找不到您的奖学金,我们不会向您收费!
什么是体育奖学金? 体育奖学金是大学入学奖学金的一种形式,主要根据个人的运动能力颁发给他们。
什么决定了体育奖学金的数额? Amount of athletic scholarship is determined by a head coach and his staff. Institution budget and student-athlete’s skills are the main deciding factors, along with high school grades and English language proficiency.
哪些运动提供运动奖学金? 24 项男子和女子运动项目可获得体育奖学金。其中包括足球、排球、网球、篮球、田径、高尔夫和游泳。没有找到您要的运动项目?请直接发信息给我们,我们会为您提供帮助。
什么是学术奖学金? 学术奖学金是颁发给在学术方面表现优异且成绩优异的学生的资助。
学生可以兼顾体育和学术奖学金吗? 是的!许多机构提供运动和学术奖学金。这样,学生既可以获得优异成绩,又可以获得运动能力的资助。
大学毕业需要多长时间? 大学/学院课程通常需要 4 年才能完成。1 学年分为 2 个学期,每个学期持续 4 至 5 个月。短期大学课程需要 2 年才能完成。从短期大学毕业后,学生通常会转入 4 年制大学继续学习。
Can I make money while playing sports in college? Yes, you can! Elite athletes often have the chance to earn a salary over their scholarship and secure sponsorship deals. StudBud is here to assist you with navigating these opportunities and making the most of your name, image, and likeness (NIL) rights to maximize your earning potential.
毕业后可以从事职业体育运动吗? Many international student-athletes continue their professional career in the USA or overseas. Many professional scouts search for new stars in colleges/universities.
美国文凭得到国际认可吗? 美国大学毕业证是全世界都认可的,一般需要认证,除非毕业生被美国公司聘用,认证过程很简单。
100% No-Risk Money Back Guarantee!

We offer a 100% money-back guarantee: you only pay if you receive and accept a suitable scholarship offer. Otherwise, our service is free of charge.

Co-Founder, StudBud

To maintain our fair pricing structure, we carefully select candidates to ensure successful outcomes. We only work with athletes and families we believe we can genuinely help and who see the value in partnering with StudBud. Additionally, we work with a limited number of clients each year to provide personalized attention and maintain our high success rate. Starting the process early is crucial for maximizing opportunities and securing the best scholarships. Before becoming StudBud+ clients, all candidates and their parents must attend at least one Zoom call with us. This helps us understand your needs and ensures we're a good fit for each other.


首先在我们的网站上创建一份免费个人资料。完成后,我们的顾问将在 2 小时内与您联系,看看我们是否合适。