Swimming Scholarships

Best Colleges with Swimming Scholarships

Best Colleges with Swimming Scholarships

Get an idea of what colleges have the best swimming programs by checking out our list of top colleges with swimming scholarships! You’ll be surprised!

Want to learn more about how to apply for college scholarships? Check out this article on how to apply for college scholarship money.

University of California, Berkeley

colleges with swimming scholarships
Photo: UC Berkeley

UC Berkeley has one of the nation’s oldest collegiate swim teams. It was founded in 1892 as part of the university’s athletic program.

Today, the team competes at the NCAA Division I level.

Stanford University

swimming scholarships studbud
Photo: Stanford Athletics

Stanford University is home to the nation’s largest collegiate swimming program.

The school offers more than $1 million in scholarship money each year to its swimmers.

University of Michigan

michigan studbud scholarships
Photo: University of Michigan Athletics

The University of Michigan offers some of the best swimming scholarships available.

In fact, the university offers more than $2 million in scholarship money each academic year.

University of Florida

florida swimming scholarships
Photo: Florida Gators

The University of Florida has been ranked as one of the top universities in the country since 1853. It’s also home to the nation’s largest student body.

That means there are plenty of opportunities for students who love sports and academics.

University of Texas at Austin

Texas Swimming Scholarships
Photo: Austin Monthly Magazine

The University of Texas at Austin offers more than $2 million in scholarship money each year.

They offer a variety of scholarships based on academic merit, athletic ability, leadership skills, and community service.