Termos e Condições
Thank you for your interest in these Terms and Conditions (these “Terms”). These Terms constitute a legal agreement between you and StudBud governing the use of our website.
- We are StudBud of Adolfa Singera 12a, 24000, Subotica, Serbia (“StudBud”, “we”, “us”, “our”).
- We operate www.studbud.org (our “website”),
- To contact us, please use info@studbud.org with “Terms and Conditions” in the subject line.
- Estes Termos foram atualizados pela última vez no sábado, 9 de novembro de 2024, e são a versão atual e válida.
- Os seguintes termos adicionais se aplicam ao seu uso do nosso site e serviços e fazem parte destes Termos:
- nossa Política de Privacidade;
- nossa Política de Cookies;
- nosso Adendo de Processamento de Dados; e
- our Terms of Service.
- By using this website you are deemed to accept the following Terms (“this website” means the whole or any part of the web pages located at www.studbud.org, and include the layout of this website; individual elements of this website’s design; underlying code elements of the website; or text, sounds, graphics, animated elements or any other content of this website) operated by StudBud.
- StudBud may change these Terms at any time without notice. Any amendment will be effective immediately. Your use of this website after any amendment constitutes an agreement by you to comply with and be bound by the amended Terms. Accordingly, you should read these terms from time to time for changes.
- This website is our copyright property. All rights are reserved.
- You are provided with access to it only for your personal and non-commercial use. Other than for these permitted purposes, and for the purposes of and subject to the conditions prescribed under statutes that apply in your location, you may not, in any form or by any means:
- adapt, reproduce, store, distribute, transmit, print, display, perform, publish or create derivative works from any part of this website; or
- commercialize any information or services obtained from any part of this website;
- without our written permission.
- All rights in this website and the content on this website, including copyright, design rights, source codes and any other intellectual property rights in any of the foregoing, are reserved to StudBud and/or their content and technology providers.
- Nothing contained on the website should be construed as granting any license or right of use of any other person’s or entity’s intellectual property which is displayed on this website without their express permission.
- You may not remove, change or obscure the StudBud logo or any notices of proprietary rights on any content of this website.
- This website may contain links to other websites solely for your convenience only and may not remain current or be maintained. StudBud does not endorse, recommend, or approve of any information, products, or services referred to on such linked sites and assumes no responsibility for the contents of any other website to which this website offers links.
- You may not link the homepage or any other parts of this website without prior written consent from StudBud.
- Your use of any link to a linked website is entirely at your own risk.
- Unless stated otherwise on this website, StudBud has:
- no relationship with the owners or operators of those linked website; and
- no control over or rights in those linked websites.
- The StudBud blog and its contents have been compiled with the greatest possible care. However, we do not accept any liability or guarantee for the topicality, correctness, and completeness of the information provided on our blog.
- Liability claims against us, our directors, officers, employees, agents,, which refer to material or non-material damages, which have been caused by the use or non-use of the information provided or by the use of incorrect and incomplete information, are fundamentally excluded, provided that there is no demonstrable intentional or grossly negligent fault on our part.
- We expressly reserve the right to change, supplement or delete parts of the pages or the entire blog without separate announcement or to discontinue the publication temporarily or permanently.
- All data is published conscientiously but without guarantee.
- Errors in the content will be corrected immediately upon being brought to our attention. All rights, including those of reprinting extracts, photomechanical reproduction and translation, are reserved and require our written consent. Unauthorized use, even of extracts, will be prosecuted.
- The content on our blog is provided by us in good faith on an “as is” basis for general information purposes only and is not intended to constitute or substitute professional advice of any kind. You are encouraged to confirm any information obtained from or through our website with other sources.
- All articles, blog posts, updates or other information available on our website are prepared so that they are current as at the date of writing.
- We make no representations about the suitability, reliability, timeliness, comprehensiveness and accuracy of the information, services and other content contained on our website. We may, from time to time, change or add to our website without notice. However, we do not undertake to keep our website updated. We are not liable to you or anyone else if errors occur in the information on our website or if that information is not up-to-date.
- The content on this website is provided by StudBud in good faith on an “as is” basis for general information purposes only and is not intended to constitute or substitute advice of any kind.
- StudBud makes no representations about the suitability, reliability, timeliness, comprehensiveness, and accuracy of the information, services, and other content contained on this website. StudBud may, from time to time, change or add to this website without notice. However, we do not undertake to keep this website updated. StudBud is not liable to you or anyone else if errors occur in the information on this website or if that information is not up-to-date.
- StudBud cannot guarantee that the content and the provision of the content of this website will always be correct or fault, error and virus free. StudBud does not accept liability for incorrect content or errors and omissions in this website or its content (whether of legal, typographical, technical, or other nature) but endeavors to correct them as quickly as practicable. StudBud will not be liable for any interference with or damage to your computer systems that may occur in connection with use of this website or a linked website, or for any data lost or any equipment or software replaced by you as a result of you using this website. You must take your own precautions to ensure that whatever you select for your use from this website is free of viruses or anything else (such as worms or trojan horses) that may interfere with or damage the operations of your computer systems.
- To the extent permitted by applicable law, all representations, warranties, and other terms are excluded.
- This general disclaimer is not restricted or modified by any specific warnings and disclaimers elsewhere on this website.
These Terms incorporate and should be read together with our Privacy Policy, Cookie Policy and Data Processing Addendum. We will use only the personal data which you submit to us via the website in accordance with our Privacy Policy and Data Processing Addendum.
- You may use our website only for lawful purposes. You may not use our website:
- de qualquer forma que viole quaisquer leis ou regulamentos locais ou internacionais aplicáveis;
- de qualquer forma que seja ilegal ou fraudulenta, ou que tenha qualquer propósito ou efeito ilegal ou fraudulento;
- to send, knowingly receive, upload, download, use or re-use any material which does not comply with our content standards as set out in our prevailing Terms as amended from time to time; and
- to knowingly transmit any data, send or upload any material that contains viruses, Trojan horses, worms, time-bombs, keystroke loggers, spyware, adware or any other harmful programs or similar computer code designed to adversely affect the operation of any computer software or hardware.
- Você também concorda:
- not to reproduce, duplicate, copy or re-sell any part of our website in contravention of the provisions of our Terms; and
- not to access without authority, interfere with, damage or disrupt:
- any part of our website;
- any equipment or network on which our website is stored;
- any software used in the provision of our website; or
- qualquer equipamento, rede ou software de propriedade ou usado por terceiros.
- You may use our website only for lawful purposes. You may not use our website:
- We are not liable for the completeness, accuracy, or correctness of any information uploaded on our website and any related content. You expressly agree that your use of our website is at your sole risk.
- You agree not to use the services, our website, and the related content for any resale purposes, and we have no liability to you, whether in contract, tort (including negligence), breach of statutory duty, or otherwise, arising under or in connection with these Terms (including but not limited to the use of, or inability to use, the services, our website, or any other website or software) for: loss of profits, sales, business, or revenue; business interruption; loss of anticipated savings; loss or corruption of data or information; loss of business opportunity, goodwill, or reputation; or any other indirect or consequential loss or damage.
- Nothing in these Terms shall limit or exclude our liability for: death or personal injury resulting from our negligence; fraud; and/or any other matter in respect of which we are prohibited under applicable law from limiting or excluding our liability.
- These Terms set out the full extent of our obligations and liabilities in respect of the supply of the services and our website. Except as expressly stated in these terms, there are no conditions, warranties, representations, or other terms, express or implied, that are binding on us. Any condition, warranty, representation, or other term concerning the supply of the services and our website which might otherwise be implied into, or incorporated in, these terms whether by statute, common law or otherwise, is excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.
You agree to indemnify and hold us, our related, and our respective directors, officers, employees, agents and representatives, independent contractors, licensees, successors, and assigns harmless from and against all claims, losses, expenses, damages, and costs (including but not limited to direct, incidental, consequential, exemplary, and indirect damages), and reasonable legal fees, resulting from or arising out of your act, default, or omission, whether in your use of our App, services, and/or any websites or software in relation thereto or otherwise, and whether in respect of your breach of these Terms or any laws or regulations or otherwise.
- As Partes tentarão resolver qualquer disputa decorrente ou relacionada a estes Termos por meio de negociações. Se as negociações não resolverem a questão dentro de 30 dias do recebimento de um convite por escrito para negociar, as partes tentarão resolver a disputa de boa-fé por meio de um procedimento de Resolução Alternativa de Disputas Online (“ADR”) acordado na Sérvia, no idioma inglês.
- Se o procedimento ADR não resolver a questão dentro de 30 dias do início do procedimento, ou se qualquer uma das Partes não participar do procedimento ADR, a disputa poderá ser encaminhada para arbitragem por qualquer uma das Partes.
- Podemos transferir nossos direitos e obrigações sob estes Termos para outra organização, mas isso não afetará seus direitos ou obrigações sob estes Termos.
- Você só poderá transferir seus direitos ou obrigações sob estes Termos para outra pessoa se concordarmos por escrito.
- Nenhuma joint venture, parceria, agência ou relação de emprego surgiu em razão destes Termos.
- Estes Termos e qualquer documento expressamente mencionado neles constituem o acordo integral entre nós.
- Cada Parte reconhece que, ao celebrar estes Termos, não se baseia em nenhuma representação, garantia ou outra disposição, exceto conforme expressamente previsto nestes Termos, e todas as condições, garantias ou outros termos implícitos por estatuto ou direito comum são excluídos na extensão máxima permitida por lei.
- Se não insistirmos que você cumpra qualquer uma de suas obrigações sob estes Termos, ou se não aplicarmos nossos direitos contra você, ou se atrasarmos em fazê-lo, isso não significará que renunciamos a nossos direitos contra você e não significará que você não tem que cumprir com essas obrigações. Se renunciarmos a um inadimplemento seu, faremos isso apenas por escrito, e isso não significará que renunciaremos automaticamente a qualquer inadimplência posterior sua.
- Cada uma das condições destes Termos opera separadamente. Se qualquer tribunal ou autoridade competente decidir que qualquer uma delas é ilegal ou inexequível, as condições restantes permanecerão em pleno vigor e efeito.
- Estes Termos serão regidos e interpretados de acordo com as leis da Sérvia, sem levar em consideração suas disposições de escolha de lei.