Stefanov Catrin Elena - StudBud
Stefanov Catrin Elena

Stefanov Catrin Elena Verified profile StudBud Athlete

Available for 2026
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    About me

    My name is Elena Catrin Stefanov. I am a 17-year-old left-handed opposite, in the class of 2026. I was born on January 7, 2008, in Romania and I am currently playing for CSM Bucharest’s volleyball teams: U17(#15), U19(#15) and the Pro team (#71). With this team, I have contributed to winning three national championships and, as a result, I received the “Most promising player” award in 2023. I also won the “Best hitter” award in the National School Championship in 2022.

    I have been playing volleyball since I was 8, and in 2026, I will have dedicated a decade of my life to this wonderful sport. I was selected many times to represent my country, including in the U17(#14), U18(#16), and U20(#16) teams. These experiences allowed me to play against the most valuable teams in all of Europe, form many friendships, and learn how to improve continuously.

    Regarding academics, I study at one of the most prestigious and oldest high schools in Romania, Școala Centrală National College of Bucharest, which is rich in history. Here, I study philology (literature and history) with bilingual French classes. My passion for French motivated me to start one-on-one classes at the French Institute, where I had the opportunity to work toward a B2 DELF diploma, which is internationally recognized. I also studied English for several years at the British Council of Bucharest and German in middle school.

    I come from a family full of lawyers and I have been familiar with this field since I was very young. That is why I’m looking to develop myself in a legal career. My goal is a true challenge, because I want to acquire the knowledge to create opportunities for people to access quick and fair justice in this era of rapid technological development.

    On the court, I am a hardworking player with a competitive spirit who views every loss and victory as a lesson to learn from. I deeply respect my coaches and teammates because they motivate me to be a better player and push me to improve, while also growing as a responsible member of society. 

    It would be an incredible opportunity for me to continue my volleyball career in the United States of America. I strongly believe in “The American Dream” and I hope to experience it for myself.

    The court is where I am truly happy! Since my first practice, I knew it was meant for me. I am deeply thankful to my family, my dedicated coaches, and the professional team of specialists for supporting and encouraging me all this time to reach my full potential.  

    My areas of interest, besides sports, are environmental protection and traveling to different countries to discover new people and traditions. I also love music because of its ability to convey different messages that often create bonds between people.


    • Played for CSM Bucharest-junior teams

      9 years

    • Played for CSM Bucharest-A2 team

      3 years

    • Played for CSM Bucharest-A1 team

      1 years


    • Won National Championship U13-1'st place award


    • Won National Championship U15-1'st place award


    • Won National Championship U15-5'th place award


    • Won National Championship U15-3'rd place award


    • Won National Championship U17-5'th place award


    • Won National Championship U19-1'st place award


    • Won National Championship U17-5'th place award


    • Won The most promising player-Finals National Championship award


    • Won Best hitter-Finals National School Championship award


    Additional information

    National Career Season Team Shirt #16 CEV U20 Volleyball European Championship 2024 ROMANIA #16 CEV U18 Volleyball European Championship 2024 ROMANIA #16 CEV U17 Volleyball European Championship 2023 ROMANIA #16 CEV U17/U18 Volleyball European Championship 2022 ROMANIA #14 CEV U16/U17 Volleyball European